Passage: Psalm 105:24~45  

Key verse: 105:42

First, he sent Moses (24-38). The psalmist continues how God remembered his covenant and rescued them from Egypt. The Lord made his people too fruitful and too numerous till the Egyptians were afraid of them and hated them. Egypt was not their everlasting residence. They were pilgrims on the way to the Promised Land. God sent Moses the shadow of Jesus with 10 plagues. As God rescued through the sprinkle of the blood of the lamb, so Jesus the Lamb of God shed his blood to rescue us from the power of sin, Satan and death. Second, he led them into the Promised Land (39-45). In the wilderness God led his people with a cloud during the hot day and with fire during the chilly night. He sent quail like Kentucky fried chicken, Manna (Jesus, the word) like Big Macs. Water gushed out from the rock (Jesus) that flowed like a river (Holy Spirit). He gave them the Promised Land remembering his covenant so that they might be the kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Prayer: Praise the Lord who kept his covenant by sending Jesus to rescue us and make us a kingdom of priests and a holy nation

One Word: Praise the Lord