Passage: John 9:1~5  

Key verse: 3b

1. Who sinned? (1-2)

If God is good, why does he allow suffering? The disciples accepted the general idea that suffering is punishment for sin. So when they saw a blind beggar they asked, 'Who sinned that this man was born blind?' Jesus did not analyze the cause of the man's blindness. Instead, he saw work to be done. This man did not need to surrender to a cruel fate. His seemingly hopeless situation was an opportunity to glorify God. 'This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.' Every situation and problem is an opportunity for a man of faith to glorify God.

2. I am the light of the world (3-5)

There is no fatalism in Jesus. He is the light of the world. When a person meets Jesus his life is changed. Jesus challenges us to regard no person or situation as hopeless, but to do the work of God whenever and wherever God gives the opportunity.

Prayer: Lord, help me to glorify you in every circumstance of life.

One Word: To display the work of God