Passage: John 9:24~34  

Key verse: 25

1. I was blind, but now I see (24-25)

The Pharisees suggested to the man born blind that keeping quiet about the facts of his healing would give glory to God. This man knew that telling the truth was the real way to give glory to God. He stood firmly on the grace of Jesus and said, 'One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see.' Remembering God's grace and God's servants through whom that grace comes opens the door for greater blessing.

2. Do you want to be his disciples, too? (26-34)

His clarity confused them. They began to ask the same questions again, but he stopped them with a question: 'Do you want to become his disciples, too?' He declared that he was a disciple of Jesus. They were infuriated. When he pointed out the obvious, that Jesus came from God, they attacked his weak point--he was born under a curse. Then they threw him out.

Prayer: Lord, help me to hold on to the grace you have given me. Thank you for your servants through whom you have blessed me.

One Word: Hold on to God's grace