Passage: Ephesians 2:19~22  

Key verse: 20

1. One Spirit, one household (19)

All those who believe in Jesus are redeemed by his blood and have access to the Father by the Holy Spirit. Racial, ethnic, sexual or cultural differences cannot keep us from Jesus or divide the body of Christ. We are all fellow citizens in God's kingdom. We are members of God's household.

2. The foundation and the cornerstone (20-22)

God's temple is not made with brick and stone. It is composed of God's people. The foundation is the Bible--the word of God revealed through the prophets and the apostles. The Bible is the Christians' authority for faith and life. The chief cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. He is the one who holds the building together. We who belong to him are being built together into a holy temple in which God the Holy Spirit lives.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for calling me to be a part of your body, a small stone in your holy temple. Help me to stand firmly on the foundation, and rejoice in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

One Word: Christ, the chief cornerstone