Passage: Ephesians 2:11~22  

Key verse: 2:13

First, Jesus is our peace (11-18). Jews had the covenant of circumcision, but Gentiles had no covenant with God, so were separated from Christ, without hope and without God in the world. But God saved all in Christ, having brought those near and far together on the basis of his holy blood alone. In this way Jesus is our peace, destroying the barrier of sin between God and man, and therefore between man and man. He has created one new humanity in Christ, access to one Father by one Spirit. Second, God's holy temple (19-22). Therefore, in Christ, Jews and Gentiles share one citizenship and one household, founded on the Word of God, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. Together we are a holy temple and the dwelling of God's Spirit. We are being built together, so we need one another for the continuing work of sanctification in our lives and in our world.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for drawing me near to you by the blood of Jesus, and making peace. Let me live as your holy people, where you Spirit may dwell.

One Word: Christ himself is our peace