Passage: Ephesians 2:11~22  

Key verse: 18

1. Brought near by Christ's blood (11-18)

Paul reminded the Ephesian Christians that most of them were once considered Gentiles. They did not have the written code nor circumcision that the Jews had. They were separated from God, separated from Christ, and separated from God's chosen people Israel. But because of Christ, Gentiles everywhere (then and now) are brought near through the blood that Christ shed on the cross. Jesus is our peace. He bridged the distance between sinful people and God. He also bridged the distance between Gentile and Jew. He has made the two one and has torn asunder the dividing wall by abolishing the commandments and regulations. We are all one in Christ.

2. We are citizens with God's people (19-22)

The result of Christ's death on the cross is that we who believe are no longer foreigners and aliens. We are now citizens of His kingdom, along with God's people. Because of what Jesus did, we are now members of God's own household, with Jesus Christ as its cornerstone. Together with God's people, we are a holy temple, even as a dwelling place for the Spirit of God.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for Jesus by whom we may live as your holy people, indwelt with your Spirit.

One Word: United in Christ