Passage: 2Timothy 3:1~9  

Key verse: 1

1. Godlessness in the last days (1-5)

These are the last days. A godless world becomes a loveless world. Times are terrible when people love the wrong things. When people love themselves, love money and love pleasure, they become proud, ungrateful and disobedient. When one loves the wrong things, it means that one is without any real love (3). In such times, God's people must love the good. But most of all, we must love God. When we love God, we have spiritual power.

2. Those who oppose the truth (6-9)

When people yield to their physical passions they become depraved in their minds. They always seem to learn, but never make a commitment to truth, so they become opponents of truth. Such people will never get very far. The magicians of Egypt (Jannes and Jambres) were skillful, and at first they were successful in opposing Moses and in imitating God's truth. But they soon reached their limits.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to love you and acknowledge your truth in my heart so that I may not conform to the terrible times.

One Word: Love God; have his power