Passage: Ezra 7:1~28  

Key verse: 6

1. A diligent Bible teacher (1-10)

Some 60 years after the completion of the temple, Ezra led the second group of exiles back from Babylon. The hand of the Lord was with him, and the king granted him everything he asked. Ezra was a priest and a Bible teacher--and a shepherd. He devoted himself to Bible teaching, and helped the people put God's law into practice.

2. The king's mandate (11-28)

Ezra returned with the blessing and full support of King Artaxerxes. The king knew that rebuilding the moral foundations of the country was even more urgent than rebuilding the country materially. The king feared the God of Israel and sent Ezra back to Jerusalem to teach the Bible to the people, so that they could live and worship according to God's laws. Ezra realized that the hand of God was on him, so he took courage and persuaded the leading men of Israel to go with him.

Prayer: Lord, rebuild the moral foundations of our land on the word of God.

One Word: Study and teach the Bible