Passage: Isaiah 14:24~32  

Key verse: 24

1. A plan for the whole world (24-27)

The most powerful enemy of God's people during Isaiah's lifetime was Assyria. Assyria planned to conquer the whole known world. But God had his own plan for the world. He wanted to remove the yoke of oppression from his people, and someday to remove the burden of sin from all mankind.

2. The Lord has established Zion (28-32)

The Philistines were the first to rejoice at the news of the coming destruction of the Assyrian Empire, for they had felt the rod of Assyria. But the Philistines were also enemies of God's people, and under the wrath of God. The good news for all the world is: 'The Lord has established Zion.' This means that in the ebb and flow of human history, God's own people, a people who can obey him and testify to his redemptive work, will be established.

Prayer: Lord, I believe you are the Sovereign Lord of all the earth and ruler of my life. Use me as a part of your redemptive plan.

One Word: God has a plan for the world