Passage: Joshua 10:16~43  

Key verse: 25

1. The call to be strong and courageous (16-27)

The five Amorite kings were held in a cave while the destruction of their armies was completed. Joshua brought out the kings and put them to death in dramatic fashion. The army feared about what lay ahead. If these five kings did this, what could they expect in the future? There are times when we get fearful and discouraged as we are drawn into the will of God. But we must remember that God is with us and His power will uphold us.

2. God proves there is nothing to fear (28-43)

Joshua and his army swept across the southern region. Thanks to God, they were experiencing total victory, fulfilling his promise to plant his people in the land. When it is God's right time, no opposing force can stop the Lord and his plan to bless.

Prayer: Lord, as you draw me into deeper commitment, fear and discouragement harass me. But there is nothing to fear. Your guidance is perfect.

One Word: Drawing nearer to God in confidence