Passage: Jeremiah 2:20~3:5  

Key verse: 2:27b

1. Let your idols save you (20-28)

Jeremiah used many images to rebuke God's people. He likened them to a prostitute (20; 3:1), a choice vine turned wild (21), a donkey in heat (24), and a caught thief (26) to shame them. They refused to serve God (20). Soap and cleansing powder could not remove their guilt stains; only repentance could (22). They ran after the Baals (23) and false gods of wood and stone (27), which could not save them from their troubles (28).

2. Like a prostitute (2:29-3:5)

A bride doesn't forget her wedding jewelry, but God's people forgot God (32). They claimed to be innocent, but were guilty of bloodshed (34) and adultery with many lovers (3:1-2). They called God their Father and friend, but they kept doing all the evil they could (4-5).

Prayer: Lord, forgive our idolatry and unfaithfulness. May not only our words but our lives show repentance.

One Word: Turn from idols and serve the Lord