Passage: 1Corinthians 15:12~19  

Key verse: 12

1. The resurrection of the dead (12-13)

The Corinthian church believed in the resurrection of Christ. So, what was the problem? They didn't believe in their own resurrection! They were not connecting these two wonderful truths. Paul asks, "how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?" The resurrection of the dead is an essential part of our Christian faith. Do we believe that God can resurrect our bodies the same way Jesus was resurrected? I hope so! Rejecting the resurrection of the dead doesn't make any sense. If it is impossible for God to raise the dead, then how was Christ raised from the dead?

2. Devastating consequences (14-19)

Paul says that if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. If that is the case, then Paul's preaching was futile, and their faith was pointless. If Christ was not raised, his death on the cross was of no value and the burden of our sins would remain. No matter what we did, we would still face death in the end. Think of it. It would be horrible, wouldn't it? Do you see how wonderful and important it is to believe in the resurrection of the dead? It is the basis of all our hope and faith.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, fill us with the hope of your resurrection. Because you live, we too shall live.

One Word: The dead will be raised