Passage: 1_Corinthians 15:1~11  

Key verse: 3-4

In this letter, Apostle Paul addressed many problems that were happening in the church in Corinth. He declared that the most excellent way to deal with squabbles was through the love of God (Ch.13). Now he was compelled to remind them of the gospel, which is of first importance.

What is the gospel (which means “good news”)? According to the Scriptures, Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised on the third day. This is the gospel by which we are saved, and the foundation on which we must stand firm. Otherwise, our faith is in vain. Christ died to remove the judgment we deserve for our sins. Christ was raised to give us victory, hope and power to live a new life in the Spirit.

The Risen Christ had witnesses including Peter, 500 believers, James, the apostles, and Paul. Paul felt unworthy to be an apostle since he had persecuted Christians. But God’s grace enabled him to work hard preaching the gospel, so that others might be saved by God’s grace.

Prayer: Father, thank you for reminding us of the gospel of Jesus Christ, by which we are saved. May we stand firm in this gospel and share it with others, by the grace of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

One Word: Saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ