Passage: Jonah 4:1~11  

Key verse: 11

Once again, Jonah’s heart turned dark. When he saw that the Lord had relented and would not bring about the destruction of Nineveh that Jonah expected, he thought the Lord was in the wrong. His heart must have secretly been happy to have seen the destruction of Israel’s enemies in Nineveh. But when he experienced the Lord’s mercy on that city, he became so angry, he cried out to the Lord. See? I knew this is what you would do! That is why I fled to Tarshish! You are too nice and compassionate. I’m so upset, I would rather die than live! The Lord didn’t sympathize with Jonah at all. He asked him, “Is it right for you to be angry?” The Lord pointed out Jonah’s sin to him.

Jonah had gone out of the city and sulked. Despite Jonah’s sin, God was concerned about him and provided a shady vine for him. The vine did two things. It kept Jonah comfortable, but it was also to be used as a lesson for Jonah. In the heat of the day, the Lord sent a worm to eat the stalk. Jonah lost his shade and became angry again. Then the Lord taught Jonah about his mercy, compassion, and concern for all creation (11). Our concerns are so self-centered compared to our Lord’s!

Prayer: Father, I am concerned so often about only myself and those I love. Circumcise my heart that I may be concerned with everyone, just as you are.

One Word: God is concerned with us all