Passage: Luke 22:1~23  

Key verse: 20

The Passover was a celebration when the Jews remembered how God had set the Israelites free from their slavery in Egypt. But instead of remembering God’s grace and salvation, the religious leaders were plotting for a way to get rid of Jesus. At the same time, Satan entered Judas, and because Judas loved money more than Jesus, he handed his beloved teacher over. We have to check our hearts to see if there is any darkness so we do not exchange Jesus for anything else in this world and quickly fall away.

In spite of knowing that he would be betrayed, Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare for the Passover. Then he sat down with them to eat. In fact, he eagerly desired to eat this meal with them. He took bread, broke it, and told them to take it in remembrance of him. The bread was his body, which was broken for all sinners. He then took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to his disciples. The cup represented his blood, which was poured out for us. He gave his life for sinners who would reject him and nail him to the cross. Jesus was the sinless and spotless Lamb of God who died for the forgiveness of our sins. His blood is the seal of the new covenant. May we take Jesus’ body and blood and remember what he has done.

Prayer: Jesus, we thank you for your life and sacrifice for us. Please help me to remember that you gave your life for me.

One Word: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which has been poured out for you