Passage: John 6:41~59  

Key verse: 57

1. Taught by God (41-51)

Neither manna in the desert nor three meals a day can keep people from dying. But whoever listens to the Father, learns from him, and comes to Jesus will live and not die. God teaches us through his word and draws us to himself by his Spirit. If one allows worldly desires to fill his heart, and hangs on to his old sinful ways of thinking and doing, he cannot be taught by God.

2. Eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (52-59)

Jesus' body was broken and his blood shed on the cross for the sins of the world. To drink his blood means to repent of sin and accept cleansing by Jesus' blood; to eat his flesh means to receive him by faith as Lord and Savior, and be united with him in his death and in his resurrection. Eating once is not enough; I must continue to feed on him every day to remain in him.

Prayer: Lord, I come as I am; cleanse me by your blood, and bind me to yourself.

One Word: Feed on Jesus daily