Passage: John 6:41~59  

Key verse: 51

1. "This bread is my flesh" (41-51)

There are many barriers that hinder our belief in Jesus. For the Jews present that day, it was their familiarity with Jesus' earthly family and upbringing. They knew his parents Mary and Joseph personally and wondered, "How can he now say, 'I came down from heaven'?" We all face barriers to belief. In fact, it is through God's grace alone that we are able to believe at all. God had to take action on our behalf. He was the one who initiated our belief in Jesus by drawing us to him. And here we are! God has brought us to Jesus, the living bread. Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." The sacrifice of his body on the cross is the basis of our salvation and hope.

2. Real food and real drink (52-59)

Faith in Christ is the only way to life. Without him, no one can live. Jesus says, "For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink." We eat his flesh and drink his blood when we put our faith in him and accept that our sins have been forever forgiven through the sacrifice of his body and blood on the cross. He is the source of life and we will live because He lives.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the cross. Thank you for giving us bread that leads to eternal life.

One Word: Eat the bread of life!