Passage: John 6:1~15  

Key verse: 5

Jesus wanted to feed the crowd of 5,000 people, but Philip thought that it was impossible. Philip should have remembered Jesus’ previous miracles. But he tried to handle the request with only his own resources. He lacked faith in Jesus who guides us in our difficulties. The task that Jesus entrusts to us may be huge, but Jesus is the Lord. On the other hand, Andrew had faith in Jesus. Andrew did not have any resources but did not despair; he looked around and found a child with five loaves and two fish. By faith, he brought them to Jesus. When they were placed in Jesus’ hands, a miracle happened, and the crowd ate as much as they could.

To those who do not have faith, five loaves and two fish are invisible. Even if they see them, they ignore them. To those who have faith in Jesus, five loaves and two fish are very precious. They believe what they cannot do, Jesus can do. So, they find and bring what they have to Jesus. Jesus can make miracles. Now, Jesus wants to feed the hungry souls through his disciples. We may not have half a year’s wages. Yet as we give what we have by faith, the Lord will bless it and do wonders.

Prayer: Lord, help me find my five loaves and bring them to Jesus by faith.

One Word: Little is much when Jesus is in it