Passage: John 10:22~42  

Key verse: 28

1. Are you the Christ? (22-31)

The Jews asked him to state his identity clearly; he did. The Christ is the true Shepherd. He is God, for only God can give eternal life. No one can snatch Jesus' sheep from his and the Father's hand. He gave ample evidence to prove that he is the Christ. Those who refuse to believe only prove that they belong to the devil, not to God (8:42-44). They understood his claim to deity and picked up stones to stone him.

2. Jesus is God's Son (32-42)

The Jews rejected him because he claimed to be God. Jesus reminded them that in the Bible, those judges to whom the word of God came were called 'gods' (Ps 82:6; Ex 22:8, 9,28). He reiterated his claim to be God's Son and asked them to look at his life and know that Jesus is in the Father and the Father in him. Many people believed in him.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for dying to give me life; thank you for real security in an uncertain world. Help me to listen to your word and obey you from first to last.

One Word: Only Jesus gives life