Passage: Acts 2:1~13  

Key verse: 11b

1. The Holy Spirit comes (1-4)

About 10 days after Jesus' ascension and 50 days after Passover, on the Day of Pentecost, the believers were praying together when a sound like a violent windstorm filled the room. What seemed to be tongues of fire rested on each of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit was the gift promised by the Father. His coming marked the beginning of a new era. The Christian church was born. The Holy Spirit enabled them to speak in other tongues. He was sent to give power, the love of God, joy and new life, and to equip fearful, directionless disciples for the task of world mission.

2. From every nation under heaven (5-13)

Jews from everywhere had gathered in Jerusalem. They were a microcosm of the world. They marveled to hear uneducated Galileans praising God in all kinds of languages. God was showing his people that the good news of the gospel is for all people. He was sending his disciples to the ends of the earth to witness to Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, send your Spirit today to fill and equip us to do your work

One Word: The promised gift of the Father