Passage: Acts 2:22~24  

Key verse: 24a

1. Jesus' impeccable credentials (22)

Peter was speaking about Jesus to the people who had crucified him. No one could deny that God had put his seal on Jesus' beautiful life and work by the signs and miracles which he had granted him.

2. You put him to death (23)

Putting Jesus to death was a senseless act; it revealed the depth of corruption in the human heart. But God's sovereign hand was in these events. God himself allowed the sinfulness of man to run its full course. He sent his pure and harmless and lovely Son into a world like this, knowing what would happen to him. And he did it to solve once and for all man's sin problem.

3. God raised him from the dead (24)

This is the good news of salvation to all who believe in him. This is God's victory over death. Death could not keep its hold on him.

Prayer: Lord, my sins nailed Jesus to the cross. I believe that his death and resurrection were for my forgiveness.

One Word: God raised him from the dead