Passage: Acts 2:1~13  

Key verse: 11b

1. They all joined together in prayer (1-7)

The day of Pentecost was held fifty days after the Passover; it was a time to celebrate the first fruits of the harvest (Numbers 28:26). It was about 10 days after Jesus ascended and the believers were all in one place, very likely in prayer and repentance, obediently waiting for Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, there was a sound like a violent wind, tongues of fire came to rest on each of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This marked the beginning of the Christian church. The Holy Spirit enabled them to speak in tongues, and would give them the power, love, joy, wisdom and courage to boldly preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.

2. Declaring the wonders of God (8-13)

Jews from every nation were in Jerusalem because of Pentecost. In a sense, they represented every nation of the world. When they came together and were amazed to find these believers, many of whom were Galileans and not natural linguists, praising God in their own native language. Some dismissed them as being drunk but others were amazed and perplexed at hearing them declare the wonders of God in their own tongues! The Holy Spirit had come to give the gospel to all people of every nation.

Prayer: Lord, please continue to fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may declare your gospel to all nations.

One Word: Pray for the Holy Spirit