Passage: Acts 17:10~15  

Key verse: 11

1. Examining the Scriptures (10-12)

Paul and Silas slipped out of Thessalonica at night and went to Berea. In Berea also they went first to the Jewish synagogue and began to teach the Bible. The Bereans were eager Bible students. They did not just listen to Paul's preaching; they searched the Scriptures for themselves to see if what Paul and Silas said was true. As a result, many Jews, as well as some prominent Greek women and some Greek men, believed in Jesus. If we read the Bible with a humble and truth-seeking heart, we can meet Jesus.

2. More trouble (13-15)

The Jews in Thessalonica were determined to stop the fruitful work in Berea, so they came to stir up the crowds against the apostles. The brothers sent Paul to the coast, then on to Athens, while Silas and Timothy stayed a few days longer in Berea. They left behind a handful of believers. Opposition and persecution cannot stop the gospel.

Prayer: Lord, help me to study your word with a prayerful, truth-seeking heart.

One Word: Truth-seekers are noble people