Passage: Mark 14:22~31  

Key verse: 24

1. The Last Supper and the First Communion (22-26)

For followers of Jesus, the celebration of Passover is now obsolete. In its place, our Lord established a new celebration that will remain until the day we are with him in heaven. As we eat the bread of communion, we remember the life of Christ. His life is nourishment for our souls. His words are life, his Spirit is life, and his death and resurrection are life. As we drink the wine, we remember how his blood was shed for the sins of the world. His blood is the basis of the New Covenant - that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish, but have eternal life. Communion looks back to the grace we have received in our Lord's death and resurrection and forward to the life we will share with Him in eternity. Praise God for the body and blood of Jesus that was broken and shed for our salvation.

2. Jesus forewarns his disciples (27-31)

Jesus told his disciples, "You will all fall away..." This wasn't mere speculation. Jesus knew that everything was happening according to God's sovereign plan and that all of scripture must be fulfilled. The disciples objected, but God's word is true and it happened. In spite of this, Jesus planted hope in their hearts by promising to meet them in Galilee after he rose from the dead.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your wondrous love in Jesus.

One Word: Jesus' blood was poured out for many