Passage: Mark 14:43~52  

Key verse: 49

One disciple was not in the garden with the others. This disciple had gone off and betrayed his master. Now that disciple—Judas—appeared with an armed crowd to capture Jesus. Judas sold Jesus for money (11) and betrayed him with a kiss. When those who were with Jesus saw him being arrested, they responded with force. They intended to defend Jesus, and one of them even drew his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant.

Jesus saw the scene differently. He was not a rebel; he was a Bible teacher. He did not come to fulfill some political ambition, but to fulfill the Scriptures. Jesus saw God fulfilling his redemptive will, as revealed in his word from the beginning. He even testified about God to his captors and his followers when he was being arrested. At this time the disciples fled. They were blinded to the will of God that Jesus spoke of. The young man introduced in verse 51 is thought to be Mark the author. It is his unique and very personal testimony of the gospel work in him.

Prayer: Lord, heal my blindness, that I may see as Jesus saw and that the Scriptures may be fulfilled in me.

One Word: The Scriptures must be fulfilled