Passage: Luke 1:39~66  

Key verse: 46,47

1. Mary's visit (39-45)

Mary hurried down to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who herself was in a miraculous pregnancy. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, Elizabeth's baby leaped for joy in her womb. Elizabeth called herself favored, and Mary was blessed by the Lord.

2. Mary's song (46-56)

Mary then rejoiced and glorified the Lord. She rejoiced because of His mindfulness to her. This humble servant would be called blessed. The Lord had done great things for her. She rejoiced because of the Lord's mercy. She rejoiced because of His mighty hand, and because of His help to His servant Israel.

3. The Birth of John the Baptist (57-66)

In the Lord's time, Elizabeth gave birth to a son. On the eighth day, they went to circumcise and name the child. Elizabeth said "His name is John." That wasn't the custom, but when they handed Zechariah a writing instrument, he wrote "His name is John." At that, his silenced tongue was loosed and he praised God!

Prayer: Lord, I praise you for your love and mercy.

One Word: I rejoice in God my Savior