Passage: Luke 1:67~80  

Key verse: 76

1. Zechariah prophesied about Jesus (67-75)

As soon as Zechariah's tongue was loosed, he was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he praised God, prophesying. He first praised the Lord who came to redeem His people. He raised up a horn of salvation, in fulfillment of promises He had made to the prophets of long ago. The Lord is faithful to all His promises. He made a covenant with Abraham, and in the birth of Jesus, we see its fulfillment. He would rescue us from our enemy (Satan), enabling us to serve him all our days.

2. Zechariah prophesied about John the Baptist (76-80)

Zechariah then turned his attention to his new-born son, John. He prophesied that John would be called a prophet and would go before the Lord, preparing the way for him. Later John would make his home in the desert, preparing the people for the Lord by baptizing them and preaching that they should repent.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for raising Jesus as our Horn of Salvation, and John as his forerunner.

One Word: Jesus, our Horn of Salvation