Passage: John 19:28~37  

Key verse: 30

1. It is finished (28-30)

Jesus knew that his suffering and death were a part of God's plan to redeem sinful mankind. The details of his death fulfilled scripture. He didn't think about himself until his mission was completed; then he said, 'I'm thirsty.' They gave him a bitter drink. This, too, fulfilled scripture (Ps 22:15; 69:21). He said, 'It is finished.' He died without any regrets, knowing that in his life and death he had finished the work he had come to do.

2. An eyewitness' true testimony (31-37)

The writer of this account was John, the 'disciple whom Jesus loved.' He was there. He loved Jesus, but his account is not an emotional one. He wrote with deep meaning. He saw how the events fulfilled scripture in amazing detail. John recorded the details so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life (35).

Prayer: Lord, I believe that Jesus' death was for my sins and for those of the world.

One Word: Jesus died for us