Passage: Psalm 119:89~112  

Key verse: 119:105

First, your word is eternal (89-96). The word of the Lord is eternal and unchanging. It reveals God's divine nature to us, at the same time it reveals that he created all things to serve him and his purpose. The word of God is the power of God for preserving and giving life. With our physical eyes we can never see the limitless perfection that is our God, but his commands know no boundaries. As much as we seek him through his word, we can grow towards the one who is eternally faithful. Second, a light on my path (97-112). God's eternal word is always with us, giving whoever holds to them insight and understanding. God's words keep our feet on the path to him. The word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. When we meet suffering or wickedness in this world it is tempting to follow a different path-the path of least resistance, the path that avoids suffering or conflict, or the path of compromise with the world. The Psalmist sought the path to God. For Christians this path is the way of the cross. The word of God is our guide on our pilgrimage to him.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your word to guide me on the path to you.

One Word: God's word is a lamp for my feet