Passage: Psalm 119:97~112  

Key verse: 105

1. God's word makes me wise (97-104)

When we love God's word and meditate on it all day long, when we hold it in our hearts even while we are doing many other things, we become wiser than our enemies, and wiser even than our teachers. When we obey God's word and walk according to it, he keeps us from every evil path. God's word is sweeter than honey. We must prayerfully read and study God's word until its truth and wisdom fills our hearts.

2. God's word is a lamp for my feet (105-112)

There are treacherous paths, snares set by the wicked, and unseen potholes in the road of life. All people travel this road, but God has given his people his word to be a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. Sometimes the way seems dark and the road uncertain, but when we resolve to follow God's word no matter what, he shines his light on the way.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me a lamp for my feet in this dark world. Help me to set my heart on your word.

One Word: God's word is my lamp