Passage: Psalm 119:17~32  

Key verse: 18

1. Your statutes are my delight (17-24)

When we ask him, God opens our spiritual eyes to see the wisdom and truth of his word--if we ask with a sincere desire to obey him. He opens our eyes to see ourselves. We are really strangers on earth. Sometimes God's people look foolish and are objects of the scorn and contempt of worldly people. But when we thirst for God's word and delight in it, slander and scorn cannot harm us. God himself--through his word--is our counselor.

2. You have set my heart free (25-32)

Sometimes our human circumstances make us sorrowful and tired. We are tempted to follow a worldly way of life like that of those around us. At such times, we must meditate on God's word (27) and pray (26, 28), then choose the way of truth (30). When we do this, we find that God strengthens us and sets our hearts free, and this is the only real freedom.

Prayer: Father, thank you for setting my heart free; continue to open my eyes to see the wonderful things in your word.

One Word: Spiritual sight sets us free