Passage: Psalm 119:137~160  

Key verse: 119:149

First, God's promises are trustworthy (137-144). God is righteous and faithful. His promises are fully trustworthy. Our zeal wears out-and wears us out-but God's word lasts forever. His promises have been thoroughly tested by many believers throughout history, and they are true. Even when trouble and distress come, God's word gives peace. Second, I put my hope in your word (145-160). God's promises and commands are true and eternal. Even in the long watches of the night, when God seems far away, he is near and ready to help us. When we call on him, he is there. He preserves life according to his word (149, 154, 156, 159). He loves those who love and trust and obey his word. Salvation is far from those who despise the word of God, who devise wicked plans instead of following God's word. But all God's words are true, and all his laws are eternal. Faithless people do not obey God's word. They cannot be saved. But the lives of those who call on the Lord for help will be preserved according to his promise.

Prayer: Lord, you are my hope and my salvation. Help me to obey your eternal word and have life.

One Word: The Lord preserves life