Passage: Luke 20:27~44  

Key verse: 38

The Sadducees did not believe in life after death; they were religious leaders, but practical atheists. They came to Jesus with a hypothetical, but unrealistic question (28-33). They intended to make Jesus’ teaching about the resurrection look absurd, but they only revealed their spiritual ignorance and godless way of thinking. They wanted to live forever on earth, enjoying their wealth and power. In reality, they lived in despair under the power of death, for they didn’t have faith in the resurrection. But there is resurrection from the dead and those who participate in the resurrection can no longer die for they will be clothed with a glorious resurrection body fit for heaven like that of the Risen Christ. The children of God will enjoy eternal life in heaven. Heaven is not an extension of life on earth.

God is the God of the living. Anyone who believes in God will not end in death, but they will be made alive in Christ. Those who are blinded from seeing God in Jesus may be alive physically, but spiritually are dead. Those who have faith and walk in the footsteps of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the living. They will be victors over the power of sin and death in Jesus, David’s Lord, and will reign with Christ in the kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the glorious hope of resurrection in Christ. Open my spiritual eyes to see the God of the living and live with resurrection faith in my daily life.

One Word: Hope in the God of the living